
I’ve never been any good at it. Waiting, I mean. Not for the phone to ring. Not for a red light to turn green. Not for the woman ahead of me at the supermarket checkout to fish around in her purse for her debit card.
Supermarket checkout 408.334.jpg
I was OK with Friday’s day off from Yankees-Angels, figuring I could use the time to drive to LA and get some work done, but to have to wait until Sunday for Game 6? That’s just plain torture.
I’ve been reading all sorts of speculation about which team the postponement helps and which team it hurts, and to me the question is silly. The team that plays well on Sunday night will win. Period. The delay gives them both more time to “think about it” – but it also gives the media more time to write nonsense. I went out and did some real reporting. I checked in with various Yankees to see how they were spending their free Saturday night.
(Pettitte lives pretty well, doesn’t he? Those contract incentives paid off.)
(That was Mo. He said he was staying loose by the fire in case Joe called for him in the sixth inning.)
(I’m glad Damon and Swisher are having fun, but could they please get some sleep?)
(That was Hideki. He said he just finished having both knees drained in case Joe wants him to steal a base or two.)
(Wouldn’t you think A-Rod would have a personal chef to cook dinner? What if he cuts himself with that meat cleaver and can’t play?)
(That’s me, trying to get a comment from Jeter. He never likes to make himself the story, so he wouldn’t talk. I still love him.)
OK, the waiting is over. As Mariano Duncan used to say, “We play tomorrow. We win tomorrow. Das it.”


  1. branbranal@aol.com

    Loved the videos 🙂 Matsui cracked me up! And you’re definitely right – Waiting is torture!!! It seemed like it took Saturday forever to get here, and now we have to wait for Sunday. I feel good about the game though. Let’s go Yankees!!!
    ~ Bran

  2. Jane Heller

    Bran, they only had a Japanese WOMAN’s voice available for Matsui’s video so I went with it. And yeah, waiting is tough for some of us. Whenever people say, “everything in its own time,” I go, “Why?” LOL.

  3. hrcoyankeefan@comcast.net


    Boy, your creative juices were really flowing with the extra rest. LOL to your comments about Matsui. I am finally over the loss and am ready to watch the game tonight. The weather is clear and sunny with temps in the low sixties at game time. Let’s go Yankees! Laurie

  4. mel.tmottbg@gmail.com

    Yesterday, as I watched the rain coming down, I was wondering what it would be like to be a player in this situation. Now, thanks to you, Jane, I know! Very funny post.

    Weather is looking good for tonight. I think I’ll need a nap to stay up for the end of the game since they aren’t starting until 8:20.

    Go Yankees!!!!!!


  5. Jane Heller

    Enjoy your red clothes, wetfeet. Whatever works for you.

    Randy, thanks so much for forwarding that review of the She-Fan book! I just left a comment on Matthew’s site. I thought he did a really nice job of getting to the heart of the book’s theme. And yes, that Tom Petty song lyric sums up what I’ve been feeling to a tee!

    Glad you’re feeling better, Laurie. We need you at full capacity tonight. How weird about the weather. Sounds like the northeast is having an Indian Summer, which should make the game a lot more pleasant for the fans in attendance, not to mention the players.

    I feel so lucky that the game starts at 5:20 here in CA, Melissa. I wish I were in NY, of course, to commune with other Yankee fans, but these late start times are a good reason to be out here. No late hours. Well, unless we go into extra innings, after which we’ll all be basket cases tomorrow.

    I say no, Paul. It won’t be a disaster, but thanks for spreading your usual good cheer.

  6. Jane Heller

    A-Rod and the meat cleaver were a little scary, Lisa. So were the “drippings” on his apron. Not a very neat cook, is he. But if it relaxed him and kept his mind clear, I’m all for his working in the kitchen. LOL. Let’s hope they all had a peaceful night and are ready to fire it up tonight and put this thing away!

  7. mbay@alm.com

    the entire city of New York has ulcers. I try not to be paranoid but I am haunted by 2004. Please, please, please boys — I’m glad u brought it back home, it’s better to win at home than in the land of Disney, but please don’t drag it out until Game 7. End it tonight or I’m buying stock in Maalox and milke.

    I’d be there tonight but I’m nursing a sprained ankle and am on crutches…. so I’ll suffer thru Joe Buck tonight. I used to like him until a colleague said he was anti-Yankees, which I didn’t notice until it was pointed out. But I am craving hearing him say “And the Yankees are champions of baseball” again.

    @Commonscold (aka Mon), who has absolutely no nails left.

  8. Jane Heller

    So sorry to hear about your ankle, Monica. How’d you do that? I know you’d be at the game by any means possible, so it must really hurt. I’m not at the Maalox stage yet. I get more upset during the games than I do during the waiting. So I’m bracing for tonight’s contest. I’ve also gotten to the point where I just tune Buck out. He and McCarver suck so much air out of the sport that it’s sad. I wish they understood the concept of less is more.

  9. Jane Heller

    Good idea, Jeff. Maybe I could make “Finding Nemo” only it would be about the Yankees finding the AL Pennant. I’m on it.

  10. fhschw@comcast.net

    If it weren’t for the infamous collapse against the Red Sox several years ago I would be feeling a lot more comfortable with a 3-2 lead but that collapse still haunts me. I don’t think my daughter Barbara (one of your regular bloggers from Boston) will ever get over it. I still think Gardner should be in center field and Melky in right. That gives us better defense and much better speed. Swisher is obviously in a funk and doesn’t even make a loud out. It’s right to hold CC out of this game and, if needed, he can go in game 7 with full rest. What hapopens if and when we get to the World Series is another story. I think people are too quick to get on Girardi, but maybe that’s the impatience of the New York fan. Haven’t been a Yankee fan since 1936, and having seen year after year of championships, I think I have a little more patients and I do not expect to win every year, despite the crazy idea that anything less than a World Series championship is a failed season. I think Steinbrenner is responsible for that nonsense. I wouldn’t mind seeing a repeat of the 1950 Yankee-Phillies series which the Yankees swept. I saw the 4th game from a bleacher seat as Whitey Ford, with a bit of relief from Allie Reynolds, won the clincher. GO YANKEES.
    Harold from Florida

  11. bgalaxy@verizon.net

    jane– this was an amusing start to my day. thanks.
    yesterday i was feeling confident, though itching for the game to start. today i am nervous. i have been trying to stay busy and not just spending the day waiting for the game. i did that yesterday to no avail. i did cut an ny into the top of a cobbler i made, for luck, which fortunately my dinner guests and husband didn’t notice. i am not sure what to do for luck today.
    as for not being over 2004 as my dad reports, i have one thing to say, he [dave roberts] was out.
    i guess it all depends on which andy shows up today and if we have some clutch hitting. perhaps swisher will get some walks. yes GO YANKEES! barbara

  12. Jane Heller

    I know everyone is thinking about “the collapse,” Harold, and I’m not sure why. Yes, it could happen. But we’re playing at home. We have Andy and CC going for us. And we have a much stronger team – mentally and well as athletically. So I like our chances. I’d like to see Gardner in the lineup too, but I’m hoping Swisher will come out of his funk. I think you’re right about the idea that anything less than a WS championship is a failure. Jeter says that all that time. I’d love to win the World Series, but this season has been so much fun no matter what happens.

    LOL about the NY you carved into the top of your cobbler, Barbara. HAHA! How about whipping up another one today and doing it again? (I wouldn’t mind the recipe either; cobblers are my husband’s favorite.) I’m sure I’ll get more nervous as the game gets closer, but I really believe in Andy. Even if he’s not as dominant as CC has been, he’ll keep us in it and the bats will do the rest. I’m trying to stay positive!

  13. raysrenegade

    Tick, Tock, Tick Tock.
    You know Jane, it might be a blessing that we get a 24 hour delay in this game to get both teams Bullpens back into shape tonight.
    Not to seem like either Bullpen is quaking in their boots, but it will bring some really good brain work from both benches to the ALCS.
    Tick, Tock, Tick Tock.
    But another thing that the 24 hours brings to the table is a bit of fatigue that could develop for either team that makes it to the World Series. But then again, Phillie might be on the Philly tarmac on a plane and not know which flight plan to file until 4 minutes after the game.
    Tick, Tock, Tick ,Tock.
    This could be the first World Series every decided by an egg timer. Seriously, neither team in the 2009 World Series will have that 24 hour window to acclimate itself to their surrounding unless it all ends tonight.
    But we might not know the outcome until deep into Monday morning.
    Tick, Tock, Tick Tock.

    Rays Renegade


  14. bgalaxy@verizon.net

    yankee cobbler
    mix at least 3 cups of fruit cut into bit size pieces with 1/4- 1/2 cup sugar and 1 Tablespoon of flour. bring to boil and cook until soft about ten minutes.
    sift 1 3/4 cups flour, few dashes of salt, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 Tablespoon of sugar. add 4-5 Tablespoons of butter. pastry cut or use fingers to mix until butter is less than pea size. Pour in 3/4 cups milk. stir. knead 15 times (about two pitches will have gone by). roll or pull out to size of dish.
    butter small casserole dish with cover. put fruit in the bottom, dot with a little butter and cinnamon if you wish. cover with 2/3 of the dough. cut ny into the top.
    (Bake the rest of the dough to eat when nervous during the game. )
    bake 1/2 hour 425 degrees. the first 15 minutes covered, the last 15 uncovered.
    tastes better after a yankee win

  15. Jane Heller

    Tick tock tick tock, Renagade. “The first series to be decided by an egg timer.” LOL!!!!!! The waiting is like total torture. I can only imagine how the players feel.

    Thanks for the recipe, Barbara. You’re the best. My hubby will love you for this.

    Just a few more minutes, thenyyankeesgirl. If only Fox would get on with the show already. Grrrrr!

  16. Jane Heller

    OMG, YHH. I’m sooooo excited! What a game. What a night. Can’t wait for Wednesday!

    Thanks, wetfeet. Sorry your team didn’t make it through.

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